anekantsquick & Mama - The Bun Blog 2024-09-12T13:33:59-07:00 anekantsquick & Mama 2022-10-01T22:36:45-07:00 2022-10-01T22:36:45-07:00 How to Safely Breastfeed While Wearing Your Baby anekantsquick baby wearing and breastfeeding

Babywearing is a trend that does not look like it is going anywhere anytime soon and for good reason. When you wear your baby, you can promote bonding and closeness while still having your hands free to do other tasks. It enables you to be more mobile and take your baby places you may not be able to get a stroller, like a hiking trail.

Best of all, babywearing creates a convenient way to breastfeed your baby. If you are going to wear your baby, it is best to do it safely. Not only does this protect the baby, but it makes caring for your child more convenient. Here are some tips you should keep in mind when wearing your baby and breastfeeding.


Benefits of Babywearing


Wearing your baby has many benefits for you and your baby. For starters, being near you helps to keep your baby calm. The result is that she develops into a secure and confident toddler.


Having your baby close, especially if you can manage some skin to skin contact, can help her to regulate her own physiological rhythms. That nearness can also be useful in facilitating nursing. If you wear a nursing-friendly top, you can breastfeed easily without much adjustment or even being very obvious about it. Activities like grocery shopping, window shopping with friends, brunch, or just taking a walk can simply be done while wearing your little one...and best of all, breastfeeding done at the same time!  You simply make sure your baby is in a comfortable position for the both of you and make sure that her head is properly supported.


These are benefits for mom, too, because self care is an important ingredient for a happy relationship with yourself and baby. Having a baby does not mean that the world will stop for you. There are still chores to be done and errands to be run. There may even be other children who need care. If you can wear your baby, you may find that you have your hands free to accomplish other tasks. In fact, you may even be able to manage other tasks while you are actually breastfeeding.


Methods of Babywearing


  • Sling- A piece of fabric that loops around one of the mother's shoulders, across her body to the opposite hip. Your little one may begin taking an interest in the world around him while in this type of carrier. A sling is an easy option to facilitate nursing as the baby is able to be brought down by adjusting the sling strap through the ring. Re-adjust to bring baby back to "kiss the head" position when finished feeding. 
  • Wrap- A wrap is also a piece of fabric. In this case, however, just as the name says, the fabric is wrapped around the mother's torso and, generally, both shoulders. It creates a secure place for the baby to rest.
  • Soft-Structured Carriers- These are more like backpacks. They can be worn on the back or the front and offer a more structured seat for your baby. They have straps that go over the parent's shoulders, giving them their backpack-like appearance.


How to Breastfeed In A Carrier or Sling

One of the great things about wearing your baby is that he is always close enough to make breastfeeding convenient. Here is a step-by-step guide.


  • If your baby is old enough to sit up, you generally want his bottom at or above your navel during general wearing. Ensure his head is close enough to kiss.  During breastfeeding, he can sit lower in order to access your breast then re-adjust to the proper higher position when finished. 
  • Keep an eye out to make sure that his face is not smashed into you and that his airway is not blocked.
  • Once your baby is in position, it is usually pretty easy to be discreet about opening your top's nursing access to feed her. If you are wearing a nursing tank top or nursing hoodie, the design can make quick access that much more simpler and more convenient. These specially designed tops for breastfeeding are also great for promoting skin-to-skin contact with your baby outside of using the carrier.


A Few Safety Tips 


One of the big concerns about babywearing is safety and positioning the baby to be ergonomic correct. Safety is especially important if you are also breastfeeding while wearing your baby. It is possible to do all this if you follow a few rules.


  • Make sure your baby's head is supported. If his head flops around she can be injured and have difficulty maintaining her airway. Keep his head close enough to kiss.
  • It is okay for your baby to be in a lying position while nursing if you are stopping to sit somewhere, but you need to support his head. When you are not breastfeeding, it is best for your baby to be in an upright position and again, sitting high enough in the carrier.
  • Practice carrying your baby over a soft surface like a bedside until you are confident about your carrying method and securing the carrier.
  • Check your carrier for signs that it is becoming worn. If it is carrying your most precious cargo, you want to make sure it is in working order and everything is in tact.  Overstretched wraps and slings should be replaced. 
  • When your baby is not nursing, make sure she is positioned properly in a sitting position with legs supported to the knee. The knee should be higher than the hips.  When legs are dangling from the hip, this can result in hip dysplasia.
  • While having your hands free may allow you to do other things while caring for your baby, it is best to do activities that allow you to sit while your baby is feeding. Or doing something that is more leisurely like a slow walk when baby is feeding.  Being up and moving around can increase the risk of choking.  


Wearing your baby has many benefits. It promotes bonding and allows you to care for your baby while having your hands free. The closeness of wearing your baby can give you skin-to-skin contact and also makes breastfeeding easier and more discreet. If you are careful about your baby's safety and comfort, there is no reason you cannot enjoy the convenience of wearing your baby.

]]> 2018-05-12T07:30:00-07:00 2018-05-12T07:30:00-07:00 4 Ways You Can Prepare To Breastfeed anekantsquick Woman preparing for breastfeeding by shopping for nursing tops online

One very important part of preparing for your new little one is preparing to breastfeed. By preparing, you can feel much calmer and in control when the time comes, thus making it a more enjoyable and successful experience. Thankfully, there are several things that you can do to prepare.


Purchase Clothing You Can Breastfeed In 

In order to make breastfeeding easier, you should consider purchasing some clothing that are easy to breastfeed in. Thankfully, there are so many options now for tanks, tee shirts, and hoodies that are nursing-friendly. These tops have hidden slits in them that allow you to breastfeed your baby without ever having to remove any of your clothes.

These tops are so convenient when you are nursing in a public location, such as a restaurant, the park, church, etc. They can also allow you to start nursing your baby much faster, which can reduce a lot of stress for you when you have a hungry baby who wants to nurse right away. 

If you are baby wearing, these tanks can snap down for easy nursing access and make baby wearing and breastfeeding much more possible.

Sometimes being a new mom, it's harder for some to adjust to nursing in public spaces. The fears and concerns are real, and clothing that offers privacy can certainly relieve the anxiety and nerves for mothers just getting used to it. 

Cozy Nursing Hoodie

Make preparing for breastfeeding easier by packing your hospital bag with nursing friendly tops like this mom in her Cozy Nursing Hoodie.


Bun's Ribbed nursing tanks are stretchy for wearability during pregnancy and well into postpartum, creating coverage and comfort for nursing in public.





Visit With A Lactation Consultant 

Another great way to prepare for breastfeeding is to meet with a lactation consultant or take a lactation class before you give birth. A lactation consultant is a professional breastfeeding specialist who will let you know what to expect in terms of your milk coming in, pumping, helping your baby get the right latch for the first time, showing you how to hold your baby when nursing, and much more. They can also answer all of your questions and put a lot of your worries at ease.

Set this up at the hospital you give birth in because most of the time, a lactation consultant will come visit.  You can start breastfeeding within the first hour of giving birth and it will be essential for you to garner as much support and expertise as possible to be off to the right start. Discuss that this is part of your birth plan to breastfeed. 

Prior to this, you can attend a group breastfeeding class taught by a lactation consultant or you can choose to have a one-on-one consultation. Taking a lactation class before the baby arrives can boost your confidence and give you the much needed knowledge to prepare you for your nursing journey.  If you so desire, you could meet with the lactation consultant again after you've had your baby for even more help hands-on help with nursing your baby.  Many have mommy meet up lactation support groups that are even free to attend. 

It's just not always that easy and doesn't always come naturally for many.  Reaching out can be very empowering and even relieve potential for PPD. 


Talk With Other Breastfeeding Moms 

Some of the best advice that you can get in terms of preparing to breastfeed is from other moms. You can join a mom group in your local area, or even find one online. You could also do something as simple as calling up some of your friends who breastfeed and discussing with them some of your questions and concerns. 

Ask them what they are eating. What is their schedule. How long did it take them to get the hang of everything. 

The support of other moms can also come in handy when your baby arrives and you begin to actually breastfeed because they will be there to encourage you and help you as you begin your breastfeeding journey with your little one.

Keep in mind, everyone has a different experience. Take everything with a grain of salt and use this opportunity to be selective and gather all kinds of information to make your best judgements for what would work best for you. It's okay if someone has less than positive advice to vent to you, but then move on to the next support person that can offer more useful and encouraging words to you.


Purchase The Appropriate Supplies

There are a few different nursing supplies that you can purchase that make nursing more convenient for you and more enjoyable for you and your baby.

  • One thing that you may want to consider purchasing is some soothing cream for your nipples. In fact, start now, well before you give birth!  Every time you moisturize your growing belly, do the same to your nipples.
  • Well moisturized skin and nipples will save you heartache from pain and dry, cracked nipples.  Use 100% shea butter, natural oil, or lanolin. These creams are safe for your baby and you can easily spread them on your nipples after your baby is done nursing.
  • If you have inverted or flat nipples, you may want to consider purchasing a nipple shield, just in case your baby has a hard time latching on. This can help them to get better suction at first and then you can stop using the shield once they have a good latch.
  • A nursing pillow is a great thing for you to buy because it puts your baby at the perfect height for nursing. It also allows your arms to rest because they don't have to hold the baby up.  We would say that this is a mama must have!
  • Nursing pads. Your breast will leak, so keep these handy.  Be sure you have a bra or sports bra ready as well.  Something without wires is best, to avoid clogged milk ducts and further complications.
  • Call your insurance for your breast pump! Do this a month away from the due date.  Your insurance should provide the pump fully covered, but this can depend on your insurance so make this part of your to do list.
  • Don't forget those game changing nursing tank tops and hoodies for ultimate ease, convenience, comfort, and style.


In order to prepare to breastfeed your baby, it is important that you purchase the appropriate clothes for breast feeding, you visit with a lactation consultant to learn more about the process of breastfeeding and what to expect, that you talk with other moms for first hand experience and advice, and that you purchase the appropriate supplies for nursing.

To learn more tips about preparing to nurse your baby, you can visit us here

]]> 2016-12-14T18:52:00-08:00 2016-12-16T11:53:40-08:00 Breastfeeding in the First Few Days: Three Tips You Need to Know anekantsquick

Breastfeeding in the First Few Days: Three Tips you Need to Know

As a new parent, you are probably feeling a wide range of emotions. From happiness to nervousness, it is perfectly normal to be feeling a lot of different emotions all at once just before your new baby arrives.

Some of the "feels" you may be experiencing during the weeks leading up to your little one's birth are negative emotions associated with breastfeeding. If you have not experienced this then consider yourself lucky.  Everyone has an opinion. There are women that seem so keen on sharing their nursing horror stories or reasons why it's so hard to breastfeed in public, so it is easy to become overwhelmed, confused, and even fearful or shamed when thinking about nursing your child. However, there is really no reason to feel these things. While nursing can be difficult in the first few weeks, it gets much easier as time goes on, and is absolutely well worth the initial effort. 

The best way to ensure you and your child develop a positive nursing relationship and start things out of the right foot is to go in informed.

For this reason, we have put together this article on breastfeeding in the first week, which includes a small list of things you will definitely want to know. After reading this article, you should be able to head into your nursing relationship equipped and ready to address many of the initial concerns you might have.

Get a Good Latch

A good latch can make or break your nursing experience. If your little one is not latching properly, nursing will likely become painful, sometimes to the point of being unbearable. A poor latch can also lead to baby not getting enough milk and other issues such as mastitis.

In order to ensure your baby has a good latch, take a look at his or her lips. If your little one has a good latch, their lips will be flanged out, looking somewhat fish-like, and will cover or nearly cover the entire areola. 

In a poor latch, you may notice curled in lips, a clicking noise, or pain when feeding your newborn. You will want to correct this issue right away. In order to do this, hold your breast in one hand and squeeze it slightly in order to make the shape of the breast better match the shape of baby's mouth. Using your other hand, tickle your nursling's cheek until they open their mouth quite wide. Use this opportunity to place the breast in your little one's mouth. If the latch still isn't right, start again. Never nurse with a poor latch.

Try to nurse in the first hour of birth (considering you are able to depending on your type of delivery).  This is one of those moments that if you intend to breastfeed take advantage of this beautiful first hour to nurse baby and bond.  Baby should be quick to nap soon after.

Getting that latch right may call for an IBCLC.  They are one of your best friends here.  Get the proper consulting with a certified specialist that can possibly truly change your breastfeeding journey.  It's been heard many times that once a mom received outside and professional assistance with breastfeeding that many of their issues they were having were resolved. 

Babies Nurse A Lot

Newborn babies nurse a lot more than you might expect. Because their tummies are very small, they can't hold much milk, and that means more frequent nursing sessions in order to refill their tiny bellies. You can expect your newborn to nurse at least 10-12 times a day. Pretty much around the clock.

If you feel like your baby is nursing too much, it is important to keep in mind that while it is very difficult or even impossible to nurse too much, it is very easy to nurse too little. 

If your are unsure of when to nurse, start to learn baby's hunger cues. While many parents will wait until their baby cries before offering food, this isn't actually the first sign of hunger. In fact, crying is a last resort for a hungry baby. Instead of crying, you should be watching for signs such as rooting, sucking on hands, or fussing.

Sometimes baby wearing while breastfeeding or being around baby as much as it is possible for you in these early stages will help you know baby's hunger signs and cues that say "hey mama I'm hungry."

So nurse as much as needed and not only will you continue to elevate your milk supply by doing so, but both baby and mommy will have much needed happy bonding time. 

Milk Doesn't Come In Right Away

When your baby is born you may not actually have much milk to offer. Colostrum has been forming in your body since about four months into pregnancy and this super power magic substance provides baby with all of the nutrients and immune support he or she needs in the first few days of life. While it will seem like a very small amount, there is no need to worry, your colostrum is just what your baby needs.  It is really that amazing.

Then, at about 3 or 4 days after your baby is born your milk will come in. This may cause your breasts to feel fuller and engorged as your body learns how much milk it needs to produce. In order to relieve yourself during this period, try taking a warm bath and hand expressing some milk.

Though pumping may seem like a great way to get some relief from engorgement, it is not recommended unless you wish to continue pumping — as well as nursing — well into the future. This is because when you pump, your body takes that as a signal to make more milk, and you will find yourself with a long-lasting oversupply.


Hopefully this article helps you get through the first several days of nursing your new baby without a hitch. However, if you do experience issues, you should never hesitate to talk with a lactation consultant.  Know a mom to be?  Share this with her so she gets a little head start into her nursing journey. 

Keep going mama! You're doing great!

Read 9 Tips for Surviving your First Month Breastfeeding

Nursing requires easy to breastfeed in clothing.  Shop stylish and convenient nursing tanks and hoodies here.

]]> 2016-12-01T16:04:00-08:00 2016-12-03T21:31:38-08:00 Breastfeeding 101 For Beginners anekantsquick More


Breastfeeding for New Moms 101 Tips and Advice

Women have been breastfeeding since the human race began. It's hard to believe that nursing your baby could ever be controversial, not accepted, or should be kept covered according to some with knowing this information.  Well, guess this is a topic for another conversation.  So back to the main subject...for each mother and each baby, breastfeeding is a new experience.

To help you get started, here is breastfeeding 101 for beginners.

Nursing your newborn

In the beginning, your body will produce colostrum, which is a special milk containing antibodies to help protect your newborn from infection. Amazing superpower stuff right?  That's right, because your body is so crazy amazing with what it can do!

Breastfeed your baby as soon as possible after birth. Start by holding the baby and turning her body toward you so that she is resting against you, chest to chest. Brush your nipple against her upper lip. When she opens her mouth, pull her onto your breast. Her mouth should cover the nipple, plus as much of the areola as possible. You may want to hold your breast for support.

With practice, you will find comfortable positions for nursing. You want a position that won't leave your back and arms aching, since nursing sessions can take around 40 minutes, especially in the early months. Support your baby's head, neck, back and hips. Common nursing positions are cradle, cross-cradle, side-lying, and football. Try using a nursing pillow for arm support while breastfeeding.

Settle in and relax before you start. For the first few days, you may have to waken the baby to start nursing and he may fall asleep again while nursing. If it has been four hours since he last nursed, you may wish to wake him up, to be sure he is getting enough.  

If your baby is premature, he may not be strong enough to nurse right away. In this case, you can pump your milk and the baby can be fed your milk through a tube or bottle until he is ready to nurse.

You will have a better experience if you use easy to nurse in clothing like nursing tank tops, nursing hoodies, and convenient comfy nursing tees to nurse on demand quickly or pump milk since new babies need frequent feedings.

Nursing your newborn boosts her immune system, meets all of her nutritional needs and is a completely priceless bonding experience.  It's hard at first and takes a few days for milk to come in, but keep going and the milk will start flowing!

How often should you breastfeed

Pay attention to your baby's cues. Increased alertness or activity, rooting around for the nipple and mouthing are early signs of hunger.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), you should feed your baby when she shows early signs of hunger, preferably before she starts crying, which is a late sign of hunger.

Newborns have small stomachs so they eat often, usually about every one to three hours, or 8 - 12 feeds every 24 hours. Don't worry about your milk supply. The more you nurse, the more milk you will have. Learn more about the size of your baby's stomach here.

Is your baby getting enough milk?

Sometimes, breastfed babies gain weight more slowly than babies fed with formula and every baby is different, but your pediatrician will be monitoring the baby's weight. In most cases, if the baby is gaining weight he is getting enough milk.

Many new mothers also worry about their own nutrition and its effect on the baby. As a general rule, most breastfeeding mothers need about 200 - 500 extra calories per day. As long as you are eating a well-balanced diet and stay very well-hydrated, you, your baby, and your milk should be fine.  

Don't worry about gaining wait mama!  Eat tons of healthy, nutrient dense food, whole foods, clean and organic foods, and super food packed smoothies and you will be loading with healthy calories that boost milk supply and don't pack on pounds.

Common challenges

Breastfeeding takes patience and practice. Don't get discouraged if your new baby has trouble latching on, or is sometimes fussy (this may not necessarily be a sign of hunger).

It is important to remember that nursing should not be painful. There are remedies for clogged ducts, engorged breasts, or dry or cracked nipples. Blocked ducts, or mastitis, can be serious and painful and may require a doctor's care. If you are in pain or have other problems that may be interfering with breastfeeding, get help. Your healthcare provider can diagnose and treat any medical problems.

A lactation consultant will provide hands-on help, guidance and encouragement, while you and your baby navigate the wonderful new world of breastfeeding. Don't give up. Do it for both of you. 

Keep going mama! Patience and perseverance will succeed!

Main Image Source: Mama nursing in anekantsquick nursing hoodie.

]]> 2016-11-26T19:32:00-08:00 2017-04-24T09:19:21-07:00 Basic Tips on How to Nurse a Baby While Babywearing anekantsquick Babies can be a lot to handle; read our simple tips and learn how to breastfeed them while having them still on your arm.


 Basic Tips for Babywearing while Breastfeeding

Babies want touch – they practically thrive on it. Various studies point out to how babywearing your infant for just 3 hours a day can actually make them that much happier. From liking the touch of their mother’s skin on theirs, to the warmth they feel and everything else in between, there are plenty of benefits of babywearing; and not just for the baby, but for the parents too.

Studies also reveal that holding the baby close and skin to skin allows mothers to keenly monitor their movements, which in turn makes them feel more confident that they really know what is going on with their infant.

While there may be many benefits to babywearing for both parties to enjoy, things can, at times, get a little difficult for the mothers, especially if they are breastfeeding the babies. It takes a certain amount of skill (and lots of practice!) to get your baby in just the right position so that they can take their feed conveniently, allowing you to do your work all at the same time.

Babies can be a lot to handle; forget being glued to your baby’s rocker or staying hunched over the couch for hours on end while they take their feed, and just follow our simple tips on breastfeeding while babywearing.

How to babywear and breastfeed a Baby.


Getting Started:

Before you attempt breastfeeding while babywearing, it is essential that you consider the babywearing safety precautions that you must follow at all costs during this process.

You need to position your baby in a way that it is easy for them to breathe. There should be enough distance between the baby’s face and your clothes at all time, so that their face does not get pressed into them. This would make things very suffocating and potentially dangerous for the baby.

It is also important that you do not cover the baby’s face when you are breastfeeding them while babywearing. Many mothers in search for some privacy resort to covering the baby’s face which can be dangerous. When you cover the face, you are making the baby rebreathe the air they have just exhaled which is very dangerous. So, if you really want privacy, a better option would be to use easy nursing tee shirts and tank tops like the ones from anekantsquick, or a nursing hood, to cover yourself if you feel like doing so, not the baby.

Kissable Height:

What is the right position in which the baby should be placed so that they can breastfeed conveniently? The easiest way to remember this is that whenever you are nursing during babywearing, lower down your baby to nurse and adjust accordingly where you can bring them to a height where you can easily kiss their head (consult your lactation consultant if you are having difficulty finding the proper adjustments).  Make sure you bring them up to a position where they can rest their head comfortably if they sleep while nursing.

Remember TICKS as a great checklist for babywearing. Are they?

  • tight
  • in view at all times
  • close enough to kiss
  • keep chin off of chest
  • supported back

Pay Attention to Noises:

There are certain typical nursing sounds that you get to hear while you breastfeed the baby. So when you are nursing them during babywearing, it is important to pay attention to what kind of noise is the baby making. Non typical nursing noises like snoring or grunting can be a sign showing that the baby is in distress and that you need to shift gears.

Two fingers width of space should always be present between the baby’s chin and their chest. This is the ideal head/neck position for the baby while you nurse them during babywearing, as it mostly guarantees that their airways do not get blocked.

Practice Babywearing and Breastfeeding Separately:

Another tip that can really help you breastfeed your baby while babywearing them it so practice both the things separately. Babywear your baby, but do not breastfeed them while you are doing so. Get comfortable with roaming around while having the baby attached to you in a sling. At another time, just practice breastfeeding your baby, while not carrying them around in your sling. Once you have gotten the hang of both the things separately, it is then time to combine them together.

Wear Breastfeeding Friendly Clothes:

Not all necklines are helpful when it comes to breastfeeding your baby. For hassle free breastfeeding, it is important that your outfit also co-operates with you. Bun's stretchy tank tops with easy snap straps that can be done with one hand, or double panel nursing tee shirts, allow moms to easily breastfeed, as the need arises.

Delay the Hands Free Approach:

Most nursing mothers want to be able to master breastfeeding during babywearing so that they can do other things at the same time. However, we recommend that if you have just started to babywear and breastfeed your child, it is best that you keep your hands busy holding the baby only. You can go hands free once you have become super comfortable with the process. Until then, use your hands to hold the baby’s head or neck and offer them more support as they take their feed.

During your first few trials with breastfeeding while babywearing, you might also have to use your hands to position and reposition your breast. Nursing hands free is the goal, but do not try to get it only at your second turn. Take your time.

Slings and Carriers:

You can use either slings or carriers to carry your baby around. However, you might have to do things a little differently depending on what you are using for babywearing. For example, if you have your baby in a carrier and you want to breastfeed them, you might want to play around with the adjustable straps until you get the perfect position which allows the baby immediate and easy access to the breast. If you happen to be using a sling for babywearing, make sure to always have one arm supporting the baby’s weight as you loosen the rings on the sling with the other.

Whether you are using a carrier or a sling for babywearing, always remember to reposition the baby properly once you are done nursing them.

Interested in more? Check out the source of the first main image here and what they have to say at

Before baby wearing consult your physician and Certified lactation consultant for any concerns, questions, and if this is a choice you should be making.  You can also find certified baby wearing consultants in your area here.


Shop for Latvia made cozy nursing hoodies

]]> 2016-11-04T17:43:00-07:00 2016-11-04T17:54:01-07:00 Seven Activities To Do with Your Baby Newborn Outside of the House anekantsquick

It's time to get out of the house. Here's Seven Activities to do with your Baby Newborn Outside of the House.

Do you have Newborn Baby Cabin Fever?  Here are some of the symptoms:

  • Have you organized every nook and cranny of your house?
  • Have you tried every new recipe in all those old cookbooks you've never read before?
  • Have you binged watched all seven seasons of Walking Dead and Gilmore Girls on Netflix
  • Is all your laundry done? Folded. Perfectly and you're ready for more?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, you are experiencing Newborn Baby Cabin Fever, and please know, you are not alone. 

Though many people say that newborns need to be kept inside the house for the first few months, it simply isn't true. As a mommy, it is so possible for you to get out into the community with your newborn.  Of course, always ask a professional, like your physician, what they think if you have any ounces of doubt.

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. It is full of joy, wonder, and hard-work. But, it does not require you to be a shut-in-lost-to-a-world-of-Netflix, baby bottles, and diapers. You can see the world and still be a good mom (just ask epic traveler and mommy Sacagawea).

Now, of course, venturing out into town with your newborn is going to be harder than when you were single, but you can do hard things, because come on, you just birthed a baby!

Before going out, load up your diaper bag with everything you could need. Blanket, milk, diapers, and wipes. You could even keep an emergency bag of these things in the car. Then, the adventure is up to you! Here are seven things to do with your new baby outside of the house.

It's time to get out of the house. Here's Seven Activities to do with your Baby Newborn Outside of the House.

1. Venture to a coffee shop. Coffee is a luxury, so why not treat yourself to a hand-crafted brew? Also, coffee shops are perfect for babies to sleep in carriers or to be rocked in a comfy chair. Really, a coffee shop feels cozy and warm, so it is a good place to start. Consult your doc if you aren't sure about drinking coffee while breastfeeding.  If you are just wondering what others have to say there's lots of forums like on Baby Center that have related tips on this.

2. Have picnic at the park.  Breastfeeding at home can be a trap in the dark. Vitamin D is super important for happy mood, breast milk, regulating immune system, and especially while breastfeeding.  So take baby and have a picnic while you lay out at a park.  We don't mean lay out and get burnt...just set up your sun shade or find some trees and while baby is all protected from the sun, you can enjoy a little warmth and breeze, peace and quiet.  A playground with a lawn is also a great spot for laying out a cozy big blanket and spending quality time with baby.  Wear your easy to nurse in tops like the ones from anekantsquick so the bonding and breastfeeding doesn't have to stop while you are out in public. 

Breastfeeding in public. Mom nurses baby in public in the park.  Bonding with baby wearing a anekantsquick nursing tank top.

3. Go for a walk. Nature is refreshing, and if it's warm enough, it is time to break out the stroller and take your little one for a walk. Brew yourself some tea or coffee, and take your significant other on a walk-date. The wind in the trees and crickets chirping in the thicket make for a really romantic evening.  If you are near a beach walk path there's nothing like that soothing ocean sound to relax your mind and baby.  Plus, you get a little exercise. 

4. Visit your local farmer's market. It is less stressful than the grocery store, and is usually outside. Pack up the stroller and saunter through stalls of fresh fruit, cheeses, and salsas. The greatest thing about farmer's markets is that you don't have to buy anything, but you get to eat a lot of free samples! Pick up a bunch of locally grown flowers, some lactation boosting nuts, and a treat to eat on the spot.  It is a fun and stress free experience! This are some of our favorite farmers markets in Santa Monica, Ca. 

5. Meander through your local art museum. Lots of museums are free at certain times, free for kids, and military families.  Quiet and calming, museums are a perfect place to take you newborn. He or she won't be woken up by sudden noises, and you get to browse the history of art in clean-cut rooms. You could even dress up in a savvy breastfeeding nursing dress and make it a date!  If you are in Los Angeles, The Broad is new and pretty amazing.  LACMA and the Natural History Museum, which has a great huge lawn to lay a blanket on and relax, are other good ventures.  

6. Have a movie night with other moms. Though going to the movie theater is difficult right now, you don't have to miss out on the theater experience. Simply call up those fellow mom compatriots of yours and meet at a friend's house for a showing. Make it fun by buying popcorn, candy, and soda. When a baby needs a feeding, you can simply pause the movie, and get back to it later. If you are with other moms, they will completely understand, and you will not feel like an interruption at all.  This is much needed for social time, friends time, girl time...something you'll be happy to get a bit of.

7. Take a sunset drive. Though you can't stay up late in restaurants or bars, you can drive to an open field, the beach, or anywhere with a nice view, and sit on the trunk of your car and watch the sunset. Precious baby could be held or sleep peacefully in his/her car seat, as you will only be a few feet away. Bring some sandwiches and goodies to snack on, and breathe in the beauty of another successful day of motherhood.

Happy exploring! You can do it, because you are amazing! 

]]> 2016-11-02T18:54:00-07:00 2016-11-04T13:27:13-07:00 10 Tips for Establishing a Good Milk Supply anekantsquick

Ten Solid Tips on How to Establish a Good Milk Supply.  Mom breastfeeding baby in anekantsquick.

Whether it happens right from the get-go or it happens later into the nursing cycle, new mothers that are breastfeeding worry about their milk supply at one point or another, even if they don't actually have a low milk supply.

However, while some fret and eventually end up giving up breast feeding to make sure their babies are getting enough to eat, mothers can be empowered by the knowledge of knowing what to do in order to establish and increase their milk supply.  It can be done and just keep going. Here's some tips to get you started. 

Ten Tips on How to Establish a Good Breastmilk Supply

Start Breastfeeding Early

The longer you wait to start nursing, the less milk your body will produce as it thinks you don't need it. Don't wait too long to start nursing your baby, or you may not be able to. Babies can start nursing as early as an hour after delivery. Nurse early and often to assure your milk production is up to snuff.

Of course it also does take a while at times for milk to come in.  It can take a few days or a week for that flow to come and then's favorite food. Don't give up mama, just be a little patient those first four days.


Get Enough Rest

This is kind of asking for the moon with a newborn in the house, but the amount of rest we get does affect how much milk we produce. If you are extremely sleep deprived, you will produce less milk than while well rested. Be sure to get as much sleep as possible.  Dads can also help breastfeeding moms by doing some extra things around the house and holding baby while you get some naps in.  


Eat Well and Frequently

There are a lot of foods that can help with milk production like oatmeal, carrots, fennel, and nuts. However, instead of limiting yourself to a few foods, a well-rounded, healthy diet with plenty of protein and leafy greens is best.

Cut down on the sugar and carbohydrates though, they won't be doing your milk supply any favors.  Watch out for smoothies with too much juice and sugar.  You can make super lactation yummy smoothies at home with good quality, whole ingredients. 

It is also worth noting that you may be excited to drop any baby weight now that the baby is out of there, but dieting will severely limit your milk supply. Exercise is great, but dieting will see you producing less milk.  

So now don't be confused.  You can eat to your hearts content all the delicious and healthy proteins, good fats, and veges that you can.  As long as your calories are dense with nutrients and not loaded with calories from bad fats and sugars...your weight won't go up and you may find yourself looking and feeling much healthier than ever. 


Stay Hydrated

As this is your first child, you won't know it yet, but breastfeeding occasionally feels like they are sucking all the moisture out of you. In a way, they are, but if you want to keep providing, you need to stay hydrated. Keep at least one bottle of water by your breastfeeding spot to quench your thirst and make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.


Pump It Out

Pumping your breast milk not only allows you to have comfortable breasts when your baby isn't hungry, but it also allows you to keep a stockpile of breast milk to feed your child. Pumped breast also feel so much better if you decide you are going to exercise.

However, one of the most important effects that pumping your breast milk can have is that it helps you to keep producing and produce more. After all, the more breast milk you are using, the more breast milk you will produce.  

Get a good quality pump, some easy to pump in nursing tank tops, and you're set to pump when ever and where ever. 

Store the extra breast milk for hassle free feedings. 


Use Both Breasts

If you favor one breast during breastfeeding, switch it up. Once your baby slows down its feeding, switch to the other breast and let your baby nurse until they either fall asleep or detach. This leads to longer feeding sessions that result in more milk production.


Practice Skin-to-Skin Feeding

Skin-to-skin contact, or Kangaroo Care, with you newborn has a number of great developmental benefits, but they can also help with breastfeeding. Not only do newborns breastfeed for longer sessions when in contact with their mothers, but they nurse for, on average, three months longer. The skin contact stimulates hormones in your body that allow you to create more breast milk, longer.  

This can be done from day one.  Oh and don't leave dad out.  After baby has nursed let him lay on dad's chest skin to skin for a while so you catch that...wait for it...lil nap.  We know those are hard to come by.


Go on a Nursing Vacation

This may sound silly, but for many new mothers, it works really well. The idea of a nursing vacation is that you and your baby spend a couple of days hanging out just watching Netflix, or going to your local coffee shop and reading a book, taking a chill out session at the park, or strolling in the mall, and letting your baby nurse whenever they want to.

This is not only a good way to bond, but it allows you to let your baby sleep next to their favorite food source which can stimulate your body to produce more milk.

For nursing outside of the house just grab your favorite nursing hoodie and tops that are super simple to access breastfeeding any where, like the ones from anekantsquick.  They have quick nursing access features and look really cute with anything.  Fuss free and your baby gets fed on demand.



This should be obvious. Our body tends to shut down non-essential processes when we are stressed, and producing breast milk is considered non-essential. Take a break, breathe deeply, and just relax.  


Get Help Early

If all these tips aren't helping you produce more milk, then it is best to consult a doctor or breastfeeding specialist right away. You may have clogged milk ducts or some other completely treatable problem that will save you some long nights of stressing over if your baby is getting enough to eat.  A IBCLC near you or your physician is the best go to for professional advise and help.

KEEP GOING MAMAS! You're doing great!!

