What to Expect When Having a Hysterosalpingogram (FemVue HSG Test)

What to Expect when Having a Hysterosalpingogram (FemVue Test)       

There are a few questions you may ask when your doctor suggests you get a hysterosalpingogram, also known as HSG Test.  So was it painful? What is this for? Why would you pay for that?  So we are not going to go to in depth about all the science and variations of such a test , but here are some things you can expect.


First, a hysterosalpingogram is a type of fertility test that checks things out in a woman’s uterus. Do this test about ten days after your first day of your last period.  Ask your doctor for the best day to schedule your HSG test.


Are your fallopian tubes blocked, is there an irregular shape to your uterus, or are there polyps and other fibroids causing fertility issues?  You may have had babies already, but this time you find it is a little more difficult to conceive.  You may want to know this if you have suffered from recurrent miscarriages. Have faith, because if you have suffered the pain of an early miscarriage just know that you are capable of all the positivity that will come your way.  It’s also a sign that you are fertile and can have a baby.  Taking this test is a good step in just looking over everything to see if there is something that can be done to help you on your journey to pregnancy.


How much is a HSG test?

The HSG test is not covered by insurance. So when you are over 35 you may want to consider the test if you are having fertility issues.  This way you just know and just find out all you can to make sure your body is ready to have a baby.  You may be tired of "seeing what happens" and taking this test can answer some questions for you.  Some offices will let you pay in two or three payments.  The office in Los Angeles was $600 for the 10 minute procedure so possibly this test ranges greatly depending on where you have it.


Is it worth it? Well it can be completely worth it if you feel you need the peace of mind.  There may also be a chance of septate uterus, or blockages in the fallopian tubes so you would want to know that and take the next steps to fix those issues.


What do they do in a HSG test?

The science is much more technical, but allow me to explain in some simple terms.  So I had a FemVue sono HSG.  I would suggest this if your doctor can provide it because there is no dye and radiation like the other kind of HSG test. 


So moving along… It feels like a PAP smear where they insert the forceps and clean your cervix.  Then they insert a catheter like tube into you (you don’t even feel it) where now the saline like solution with air bubbles is released into your uterus. The uterus expands like a small balloon shape and that is when you feel the small cramp sensation.  If your fallopian tubes are mostly clear then the little bubbles will swim around and clear through them.  Kinda like dusting out some cobwebs (doctors words not mine haha).


It really is fairly quick, about ten minutes.  Then they let you know if they saw abnormalities, a misshaped uterus, blockages, etc. 


Is a HSG test painful?

Everyone is different.  Some women have babies in twenty minutes and some take twenty hours.  So with that said, is it painful?  Not at all but it will depend on you.  Now my experience, no it was not painful and I will suggest that most women take 2-3 Advil before the procedure and you can expect a slight cramp sensation.  It lasted for three seconds and it is more of a light discomfort and pressure, but it is not “painful”. 


As mentioned, everyone is different.  If you do not have blockages then this may be painless.  If you have blockages, or pain during a PAP smear, then you may experience more discomfort.  If you have painful sex this may also be very uncomfortable for you.  If you do feel lots of pain make sure you let your doctor know. 


It’s hard to tell what to expect when having an HSG test.  Take the Advil, go in relaxed, and spend time looking at the monitor than focusing on what’s happening down there.


Now What?

So the test results are usually available immediately, especially if you have a normal uterus which they were just able to find out during the test.  If all is good, you can start trying to make a baby!  Oh the fun!  Also, you will be a percent or two more fertile since you just got a clean up of your fallopian tubes.  Score!


So next is a 21 day progesterone test.  This happens around day 21 after the first day of your last period.  The reason you got to this point in the first place is because of fertility issues.  If you have had, say two miscarriages in a row, a 21 day progesterone test to check your progesterone levels will be helpful in continuing to check that everything is balanced and okay. Stay tuned for another update on what to expect with the Day 21 Progeterone Test!

Keep the faith, keep shining, and keep positive!!  You can. You will.

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